Have you ever noticed when someone you know always seems to be in the right place at the right time- and maybe that is you? Most of the time, we want to believe it’s luck or the golden touch!
But maybe, just maybe, that person is highly in tune with their AWARENESS and NOTICING sixth senses. What do i mean by that? Simply put, I believe these conscious efforts are manifested in the brain whereby one can actually make deliberate choices to be in tune with their immediate and far reaching senses- as it relates to physical, mental, and spiritual stimuli occurring every millisecond we live.
for instance, i have 4 children, i usually make a choice to always prepare myself in a parking lot and know how many things could happen if a teenager reckless driver barrels thru the parking lot, and what i would do in that situation. i will find myself walk first into the crossing, look far away and close by for other cars arriving or departing, then make the assessment it is all clear to lock hands and then cross. this in turn keeps me and my children above the death line.
kind of a silly example above, but lets use the same example of awareness/judgement/noticing in a business deal. Have you played out the entire film strip of what’s to come in your next deal? Evaluative Judgment might just be the highest human behavior as evidenced by the Hartman Profile.
Disclaimer: ”Faith” is the number one way to accomplish the unthinkable- but here are some tips i have for you approaching your daily life and help put more Faith in action - so you can thrive and be in hyper tune with your senses and be able to manifest and predict just what might happen before it does…
- stay healthy, balanced, and have a clear mind- this will open up creative juices. try Yoga, working out, healthy diet.
- strip out all the noise- pay attention to what you are doing at that specific time. means you must Focus.
- Think, Initiate then Reflect. Don’t just React! Thinking first of what you are doing before you do it – gets linear thinking in tune
- Quiet the Lizard Brain (our fight or flight attitude. Many people call it “The Lizard Brain” because the limbic system is about all a lizard has for brain function. It is in charge of fight, flight, feeding, fear, freezing-up, and fornication.)
- Instead Engage the Neocortex. The neocortex is involved in higher functions such as sensory perception, generation of motor commands, spatial reasoning, conscious thought and language. this is far different then our primitive lizard brain!
- practice productive paranoia- not destructive- i said productive paranoia— how many things can go wrong when i do this deal and did i bring extra oxygen to the dance?
- be uber specific about your INTENT of what you are doing at that moment- are you completely plugged into your task, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually?
- love and respect every moment of your life, even changing diapers. find joy to increase the awareness factor in all life
- manifest and visualize how your task or deal will go down— same as golfers visualize their shot before shooting? try meditation too
- Believe in yourself and team (family)- you notice, love, protect, defend, create and share your new found gifts
I hope you will find the above thoughts,steps, and ideas beneficial for you. I feel your life will change when you change your intentions on noticing, awareness and evaluative judgement. As with anything, its a God given gift to us, but we must deliberately use this gift, concentrate, pray about it, and practice, and of course want it! God bless- Happy Trails
Trey Halberdier
HALBERDIER Real Estate / Trey Halberdier Insights /
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